Is your lawn starting to show some signs of brown patches? Don't worry, you're not alone. It's a common problem for many homeowners and can be hard to get rid of without damaging the rest of your lawn. I'm going to start by telling you what causes these pesky brown patches- lack of water, dry soil, infrequent mowing, extreme heat or cold temperatures and even fungus. That's right it could be something as simple as forgetting to water your lawn that caused those dastardly little spots on the grass. So now that we know what causes them let's talk about how we can prevent them from coming back.
Brown Patch Fungus
Brown patch fungus is a declining turf condition caused by one species of fungi, Rhizoctonia. The name “large-patch disease” comes from its typical appearance in mid to late summer when the weather is hot and humid — making conditions perfect for this pestilent organism's growth cycle. The first sign of trouble is when you notice a circular or oblong pattern of light-yellow discoloration in your grass. Eventually, the affected area will turn from orange to tan and continue spreading outward; sometimes leaving small green patches at its center. This fungus infection occurs as it infects each leaf causing them to rot away while they are still attached by their roots - henceforth giving us an early warning!
One of the toughest issues of dealing with this fungus is that it’s likely to reoccur in lawns that have previously struggled. Brown Patch can remain dormant in soil for years until favorable conditions are achieved. In fact, some properties that struggle with brown patches might notice signs of infection subside when the weather warms only to return later in the year once more come summertime - but don't worry! It's a sign you're on track and things will soon improve again as long-term solutions take effect.
How to Fix Brown Patches in Lawn
Brown or dead spots on your lawn are not fun to deal with and can be caused by a number of factors. One cause is if the pH balance in soil becomes too high, meaning it's alkaline rather than acidic like most grass prefers - this will lead browning from occurring as well as other problems such as negative effects when walking through certain areas because they're contaminated with urine (yuck!). To fix these issues you could add lime which helps balance out those ranges again but sometimes more drastic measures may need to be taken: replacing both topsoil/compost AND plant material entirely.
A lawn that’s starting to turn brown means a deep watering is needed, but not always. It can also mean the opposite - if some types of grass are experiencing more rainfall than others and they start drying out before their counterparts in other parts of your property or yard do so effectively enough because soil quality varies from place-to-place depending on what kind it is; how much naturally occurring sunlight reaches each individual blade (and thus its potential lifespan); whether fertilizers have been used at all times over many years without interruption by waypoints along this journey towards sustainability--it takes time!
Check soil moisture by sticking a long screwdriver into the ground. If the soil is dry a couple inches down, you need to water for longer periods of time to allow the water to sink deeper into the soil. You want to water infrequently, but for longer periods to encourage the roots to go deeper. Watering lightly everyday isn’t as good as deep watering two or three times a week. The ideal time to water a lawn is between 5 and 9 a.m. Cool early-morning temperatures limit evaporation, but the grass will still dry during the course of the day. Many people water at night because it’s cooler, but that’s not a good idea because the grass stays wet all night, which can promote fungus and diseases.
Can Your Lawn Recover From Brown Patches?
The good news is that your turf can recover from brown patches. The bad news? You may have to wait until the active growing season to see an improvement in appearance. While a fungicide application can help prevent spread to other areas, spots that have rotted will need to regrow. Meanwhile, steps should be taken to ensure you’re not transferring the fungus to healthy parts of your lawn. Affected areas should not be mowed, as that could cause diseased clippings to deposit elsewhere, spreading the infection. You should also avoid walking over the area so your shoes don’t transport the spores. Finally, it’s important to not apply fertilizer during an outbreak. Sure, you’ll feed your lawn, but you’ll also feed the fungus, too.
In the Meantime...
Is your lawn looking a little brown around the edges? Don't worry, you're not alone. Nearly half of all homeowners have at least one brown patch in their yard. But before you go reaching for the herbicide, there's another option: Grass Paint. Grass paint is a simple and non-toxic way to fix brown patches in your lawn and it's easy to apply! You can read how to do that with these simple steps found here.
That’s All Folks!
Brown patch fungus is a common problem in lawns across the country. To prevent brown patches from ruining your green grass, try these tips! As you're planning out your landscaping for this spring and summer season, make sure that you take into consideration how to keep your lawn healthy with these steps below. You don't want it to be covered by brown spots like so many others are- especially not yours! With some careful attention, we can help ensure that this doesn't happen to you or anyone else on our team of happy homeowners. Call us today at (405) 676-1575 for more information about keeping your yard looking its best all year long. We look forward to hearing from you soon!