It's a common misconception that watering dead grass will bring it back to life. The truth is, when you water dead grass, it can actually make the situation worse. It can cause the roots in the ground to rot and decompose faster than they would if left alone. This can lead to even more problems like mold or fungus growth on your lawn causing damage that will cost money and time to fix. So next time you're dealing with drought stricken dry brown patches of earth where once there was lush green grass, don't be fooled into thinking this is an easy solution. If anything it'll just make things worse!
How to Fix Dead Grass Patches in Lawn
What's that? You're staring at your lawn and wondering what the heck happened to it. It used to be lush, green, and beautiful. Now there are patches of brown grass scattered across your yard. What could have possibly caused this? Well, you might want to sit down for this's actually not as bad as you think! While brown spots can be cause for concern, they usually aren't a big deal if they appear in only one or two small areas on your lawn. However, if these symptoms start popping up all over the place then it may indicate something else is going on with the health of your grass that should be addressed ASAP! Here are a few steps that will help to fix those dead patches in your lawn.

Step 1) Clear out any dead turf and other debris - Grass will germinate and root best when it comes into contact with soil.
Step 2) Loosen the Soil - At least scratch it, or better yet dig and loosen up top 2-3 inches of dirt to give your seeds some space to grow into their full potential! If you have poor quality soil don't just throw seed on top without adding any organic matter; instead mix in compost for extra nutrients.
Step 3) Scatter grass seed over the loosened soil - Choose good-quality seed that’s geared for your climate. Lightly scratch in the seed so that some of it is incorporated into the top quarter-inch of the soil and some is at or near the surface. Lightly tamp for good seed/soil contact.
Step 4) Fertilize - Get new growth off to a good start by scattering a small amount of lawn fertilizer specially formulated for new grass.
Step 5) Mulch and water - Top the patched area with a light layer of straw or chopped leaves – just enough to cover the ground. This helps slow evaporation, discourages seed washouts and improves germination. Water enough to wet the top 2 inches of soil. But don't overwater!
Grass Paint!
You know what looks better than a brown lawn in the summer? A green one! The best way to make sure your grass stays healthy and lush through all four seasons is by painting it with Green Grass Paint. With water restrictions like we’ve had this year, you might be tempted not take care of routine maintenance such as watering or mowing - but don't skip their respective days just yet: if nothing else, cover up those pesky spots that can turn into weeds too easily (and look terrible) before they get out of hand during dry spells!

Dormant Grass vs. Dead Grass
What's the difference between dormant grass and dead grass? It can be difficult to differentiate between them. If you see your lawn as brown, it could mean that although dormant for now; there might not ever come a time when those same conditions bring back green life again (unless extreme heat or drought). But if all else fails don't give up hope! Try increasing irrigation by two days next chance we get - maybe then enough rain will fall so as long as it's wetting out our thirsty soil-we'll have ourselves some lively sprouts instead of wilted weeds! Another test you can use to determine if you have dormant grass or dead grass is to pull some grass out. Dead grass comes out easily, while dormant grass will have some resistance and feel more like pulling out healthy grass.

What Causes Dead Patches In Your Lawn
It's not really a mystery as to why patches of your lawn seem patchy. With all the different factors that can lead to this condition, including fungal diseases like brown patch and rust; animal digging such as raccoon or gopher damage; grubs working their way through soil which is caused by over-fertilization among other things - it would be no surprise if you found yourself with an uneven appearance in some places on what was once considered pristine turf!

One Last Thing Before You Go
You can fix a dead patch in your lawn by cutting out the patches and adding new grass seed. To avoid future problems, it is best to water often during dry periods, fertilize with nitrogen-rich fertilizer once or twice a year, and aerate your soil periodically for root development. If you have any questions about how to care for your lawn this fall season, don't hesitate to contact our experts at Covington - we're always happy to help!