
Natural Growth System

The live enzyme


Living enzymes are what make our Professional Grade Grower System products perform. Though some might tell you otherwise, you will know if the enzymes are alive the moment you open a bottle. When enzymes are alive in stasis, as they should be, the product will have a sweet, earthy, molasses smell.

Our product contains a synergistic blend of four bacillus strains of bacteria. This liquid product is an advanced composition of naturally occurring microbes, essential plant nutrients, humic acid and carbohydrates that come to life as soon as you apply them.

Organic Lawn Care

The Covington Naturals

Professional Grade Growth System

Seed Starter

An organic product designed to treat all types of seeds to increase quicker germination and improve the overall quality, stability, growth and performance of the seeds.


Liquid Lawn Aerator

Liquid Lawn Aerator is a powerful biological that contains over 100 billion live microbes per gallon, and increases nutrient uptake and promotes healthier plant growth.


Growth Nutrients

Plants are like humans, they need carbs to be healthy and grow, especially during the initial stages of flowering, it increases yields while building stronger root systems.
