Testing Soil is Critical to Good Health
Awhile back I received a call from a long time customer asking us what we had changed in our formula. He has been using our liquid aerator and some of the various fertilizers like 30-0-0 and Micro Ingredients but was not seeing the progress he was used to. I assured him that we had not changed anything and we talked about his application rates and watering, much of which was following the same rates as in the past. Then I asked him the last time he had tested his soil and the phone got very quiet. He replied, "I've never tested the soil." My suggestion was to order a soil test over the web and let me know the results. He was able to take a soil test down to his local county agent and within two weeks received the results. When the results came back, we discovered his PH was high, the soil was lacking nitrogen, and various other issues that were relatively easy to correct. Thirty days after adjustments and some minor additives things were getting back to normal.

By the way, did you know that having a healthy level of PH in your body can affect your health? Different organs function better when the PH is right. Your enzyme pepsin requires a lower ph to break down food recently eaten verses the intestine enzymes need higher PH to function. This means any in-balance of PH in the human body can lead to issues in health, and the soil is a living breathing thing that needs checking as well. Sorry, chasing a rabbit there.....

Maintaining a lush and healthy lawn or garden requires more than just watering and fertilizing. One crucial aspect that many people overlook is testing the soil. Understanding the composition of your soil is essential to ensuring that your plants and grass have access to the nutrients they need to thrive. In this article, we will explore the importance of testing soil for healthy plants and grass and provide six bullet point suggestions for how to do so effectively.
- Identify Nutrient Deficiencies
Testing your soil can help you identify any nutrient deficiencies that may be limiting plant growth. Soil is made up of various minerals and organic matter that provide essential nutrients to plants. However, over time, these nutrients can become depleted, which can lead to stunted growth, yellowing leaves, and other signs of distress. A soil test can help you determine which nutrients are lacking in your soil, allowing you to adjust your fertilizer regimen accordingly.
2. Determine pH Levels
Soil pH is another critical factor that affects plant health. pH levels range from acidic to alkaline, with most plants preferring a slightly acidic pH of around 6.0 to 7.0. If your soil is too acidic or alkaline, it can affect nutrient availability and uptake, leading to poor growth and performance. A soil test can help you determine your soil's pH levels, allowing you to make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal plant health.
3. Check for Contaminants
Soil contamination can have serious implications for plant and human health. Contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and other pollutants can accumulate in soil over time, making it unsafe for planting. Testing your soil can help you identify any contaminants that may be present, allowing you to take appropriate steps to remediate the soil or avoid planting in contaminated areas altogether.
4. Ensure Proper Drainage
Good soil drainage is critical for healthy plants. Soil that is too compacted or contains too much clay can lead to poor drainage, which can cause water to pool around plant roots, leading to root rot and other issues. A soil test can help you determine your soil's texture and structure, allowing you to make necessary amendments to improve drainage and promote healthy root development.
5. Save Money on Fertilizer
Over-fertilizing can do more harm than good when it comes to plant health. Excessive fertilizer use can lead to nutrient runoff, which can pollute nearby waterways and harm aquatic life. Additionally, over-fertilization can lead to nutrient imbalances in the soil, which can affect plant growth and performance. Testing your soil can help you determine which nutrients are lacking, allowing you to apply fertilizer more strategically, saving you time and money in the long run.
6. Prevent Pest and Disease Problems
Healthy soil is the foundation for healthy plants, and a healthy plant is less susceptible to pest and disease problems. Soil tests can help you identify any imbalances or deficiencies that may be contributing to plant stress, making them more vulnerable to pests and diseases. By correcting these issues, you can help prevent future pest and disease problems, reducing the need for costly treatments and interventions.
Testing soil is an essential aspect of maintaining healthy plants and grass. By identifying nutrient deficiencies, checking for contaminants, ensuring proper drainage, and more, you can create the optimal growing conditions for your lawn or garden. Regular soil testing can help you fine-tune your fertilization and watering regimen, saving you time and money while promoting optimal plant health. So, take the time to test your soil regularly, and watch your plants and grass thrive!