Someone wrote in the other day asking for an annual plan for their lawn, generally I would not answer this in detail since every lawn is different, every part of the country is different, and homeowners treat their lawns differently as well, some with respect, some don’t. This was a 20,000 ft. view attempt to answer the question and I plan to go into a lot more detail when I get time. If you really want to know more about your local lawn and environment get acquainted with your local county extension office, they know more about your local growing habits, insect enemies, and solutions for you and are paid by your tax dollars and in my experience always willing to help. Hope this helps, feel free to reach out if you have comments, questions, and send the complaints or disagreements to our email. Happy Planting!
Test your soil:
Healthy lawns start with a strong foundation. Spring is the perfect time to test the nutrients levels and PH level of the soil. This is the season you’ll want to fertilize, so you need to assess exactly what your lawn needs. You can purchase our recommended soil testing kit on our website. It is $29.99 and you receive a link to your results with professional instruction and advice on the care and feeding of your lawn and garden.
Maintain your mower:
You’ll be back to your typical mowing schedule now that winter is over, so you need to make sure your lawn mower is in tip-top shape. Start by sharpening your mower blades. Sharp mower blades slice the tops of grass blades off cleanly—dull blades tear or shred them, making your lawn more susceptible to illness. Next, tune up your mower. You can get a new air filter, and replace the spark plug if needed. Finally, get fresh gas. You should have your mower winterized in the fall after first freeze, then put new gas in it in the spring.

Liquid Aeration:
Our Liquid Lawn Aerator is an affordable and powerful biological that alleviates the effects of compaction, increases nutrient uptake and promotes healthier turf and plant growth. There are over 1 billion microbes in 1 gallon of this product that has over 9 ingredients that include minerals, nutrients, humic acids and beneficial blend of four bacillus strains of bacteria that the organisms in the soil love to feed on which in turn breaks up the soil and feeds it at the same time. to fuel the growth of the carbohydrates in your soil. I apply this to my lawn and flower gardens 4 times a year to maintain healthy soil. Do not apply it during any fertilization such as nitrogen. Wait at least 4-5 days and water regularly.
Thatch is the layer of living and decomposing organic matter that builds up between the soil and growing grass. A thin layer of thatch is beneficial, insulating the grassroots from extreme fluctuations in temperature and helping retain moisture. But a layer greater than ½ thick can impede your grassroots’ ability to access the air, water, and nutrients they need. In spring, check to see if your thatch layer is over ½ an inch thick by digging up a patch of grass with a sharp spade. If it is, use a dethatching rake to lift and break up the thatch. I generally have a crew “scalp” my lawn in early spring, leaving a fine layer behind. I have Bermuda, and other grasses will be treated differently such as Kentucky Blue etc;
Fertilize and Feed:
After I have Aerated, I like to use our Micronutrient Fertilizer product to produce healthy roots and foliage in the plants. I generally wait a few weeks after aeration before adding the product. Micronutrient Fertilizer is a specially formulated, proprietary liquid foliar fertilizer that combines the benefits of vital micronutrients in an effective, readily available form to increase plant health, growth and yields when nutrient demands are at their highest. Micronutrients Include the Right Amount of Nitrogen, Phosphates, Potash, Boron, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Manganese and Zinc to Promote Immediate Boost and Growth to Plants and Grass.
Power Grow 3-18-18
This product is a good way to feed the turf once it is up and running with good health. It introduces just enough nitrogen without burning and has other good ingredients as well. Use this when the summer heat is just beginning and make sure you water sufficiently.
If you have cool-season grass in your lawn, aim to fertilize in early spring. You can wait until mid-to-late spring if you have warm-season grass. Fertilize as your grass begins its most active growth period. We recommend using a slow-release water soluble fertilizer. Fast-release fertilizers will show faster growth, but are worse for your lawn in the long run.
Apply pre-emergent:
Use pre-emergent herbicide to keep weeds like crabgrass from springing up in your lawn. You can apply pre-emergent when the soil reaches 58 degrees Fahrenheit. I like Quali-Pro’s 65 WDG pre-emergent and broadleaf weed control. It’s flexible and allows for both spring and fall use. It can be mixed with other fertilizers and iron solutions when desired.
Water is absolutely essential to the growth and maintenance of your soil and plants.
Make sure you water twice a week with a soft blanket of water on your lawn and plants, once a week in humid areas or areas that get more rain. Don’t over water, the roots need to be seeking water down deep to promote good healthy growth.

Hope this helps, everyone’s lawn is a bit different so don’t hesitate to reach out to us or your local county extension office for more assistance.