7 Types of Weeds, How to Kill and Manage Them Year Round
Weeds are the bane of gardens and homeowners lawns everywhere, but with the right management techniques and regular maintenance, you can keep them from taking over your garden. In this blog post, we'll explore 7 types of weeds and provide tips on how to kill and manage them throughout the year.
Wild Onion/Garlic (Allium vineale)
Wild onions or garlics are a common weed found throughout North America. They have long, slender leaves that end in a pointed tip. The bulbs produce small white flowers in early spring. To kill wild onions or garlics, you should either pull the entire plant up by the root or use an herbicide containing glyphosate or triclopyr. For management purposes, regular mowing can help prevent their growth as they don't tolerate mowing very well.
White Clover (Trifolium repens)
White clover is another common weed found in many lawns and gardens. It has three round leaflets and produces small white flowers in late spring and early summer. To get rid of white clover you can use an herbicide containing either dicamba or trifluralin. For management purposes, it's best to maintain a healthy lawn by regularly mowing, fertilizing, and watering to prevent excessive growth of this weed.
Crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis)
Crabgrass is often considered to be a nuisance weed since it usually grows in thick mats that take over lawns and gardens quickly if left untreated. The leaves are narrow with pointed tips while the flower heads are long with several finger-like spikes extending outward from its center. You can use an herbicide containing either atrazine or mesotrione to get rid of crabgrass for good. Regular mowing will also help control its spread throughout your yard by preventing seed production each year.
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
Dandelions are easily recognizable weeds due to their bright yellow flowers that turn into round puff balls when done blooming for the season. Their deep taproots make them difficult to remove completely so your best bet for controlling its growth is using an herbicide containing either 2-4D or dichlorprop-p isoxaben combination treatment products specifically labeled for killing dandelions . Mowing regularly will also help weaken them by removing their green foliage which prevents photosynthesis from occurring at full capacity thus stunting its growth overall long term prevention is key here as well!
- Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)
Bindweed is a vining weed that can be identified by its arrowhead shaped leaves along with trumpet-shaped pinkish-white flowers that bloom sporadically during summer months only). To kill bindweed you must dig out as much of the roots as possible since they're hardy perennial plants then apply a broadleaf herbicide containing either 2 4d+MCPA+dicamba+mecoprop triamine salts combination product mix or one specifically formulated specifically for killing bindweed if available in store near you! Managing it includes destroying any volunteer perennials promptly before they become too entrenched start growing new mulch annually every fall season as well!
6 Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus)

Nutsedges look similar to grasses but most commonly grow in groups of three pointed leaves clustered around each other forming triangle shape when viewed from top down angle producing brownish - yellowish color cone like flower heads during mid summer months when ripe ready harvest manually pull these out weeds tirelessly once found ensure all margins around beds cleared off before new planting takes place within same territory specifically designed pre treated quality professional grade professional grade preemergent type products offer excellent protection against resurgent nut sedge infestations when applied correctly each spring season per label instructions!
7 Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua)

Annual bluegrass hay common problem especially frequently occurs warm winter climate areas because seeds germinate soon soil temperatures reach 55° Fahrenheit or higher although looks similar grass not related have thin wiry stems cluster small dark green blade tipped with distinctive purplish tint plus produces windblown seed heads give away telling clue which actually easy identify know whether not kind growing issue area! Weeds successfully controlled hand picking individual stalks pulling entire plant ground together applying post emergence selective herbicides spot treat infested areas contact type product labeled “bahiagrass” “annual bluegrass” used consistently year prevent buildups again next seasons worst case scenario overseeding patchy thinning spots existing turf fields replenishing nutrients necessary beautiful lush healthy looking carpeted floor greenery enjoy rest summertime outdoor living pleasure!!